Explore Paxton
Where to find us…
Paxton, Illinois is the county seat of Ford County in East Central Illinois with a population of approximately 4,500. The town is located 110 miles south of Chicago and 25 miles north of Champaign-Urbana, the home of the University of Illinois. Paxton is served by 3 major highways; Interstate 57, US Route 45 & Illinois Route 9 and has easy access to 5 airports—Champaign, Bloomington, Chicago Midway, Chicago O’Hare and Indianapolis.

In the beginning…
Originally a Swedish settlement in the 1800’s, you can still find common Swedish family names in and around Paxton and occasional Hex signs protecting family farms on surrounding land. Always rich in the farming industry, Paxton also boasts numerous local businesses in manufacturing, retail and the service industries. Many of the opulent historic homes in Paxton were originally built and owned by wealth made in the railroad industry. An original cut of the Illinois Central Railroad runs parallel to but below downtown Paxton, with 3 unique bridges connecting the 2 sides of town. The 40-foot-deep trench (cut) was necessary to provide steam engine trains level access traveling through Paxton as the town is the highest elevation in the area. You can find two buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Paxton; Paxton Carnegie Library which was built in 1903 and the 80-foot-tall brick water tower built in 1887. Paxton’s Glen Cemetery boasts a beautiful look at the surrounding farmland and glimpses of our town’s historic Swedish ancestry. Find more Paxton history here.
Present day living…
From summertime evenings watching E.I. League “Paxton Swedes” baseball games to Friday nights in the Fall enjoying the sights and sounds of the PBL Band, Paxton is a place that gives you time to step back, relax and enjoy life. Local shops boast owners on hand providing assistance, our restaurants offer a wide selection of delicious food and drink and various special events provide a wide range of activities for all. Our parks, athletic fields and community swimming pool provide outdoor leisure for all ages.
Paxton’s people, businesses, schools, churches, organizations, recreation and the arts are many of the reasons families choose to live in this rural town. “Community” isn’t just a word for a location– it’s a feeling that happens when neighbors wave, people care and kids grow by experiencing new things. Paxton is a community proud of our heritage that is also moving forward to enrich the daily lives of multiple generations that live, work or visit here.
If you find yourself looking for more information about our community, please reach out to Paxton Main Street or explore more of Paxton at any of these links: